Friday, September 24, 2010

Take a quick trip back to childhood

This assignment for Guts.Glam.Grace. Magazine really made me want to take a quick trip back to childhood. Betsey Johnson designed a suite for The Plaza Hotel based on the Eloise books. Even though I have never read any of the Eloise books, I was intrigued by her story. Take a quick trip back to your childhood and allow me to introduce you to Eloise, a young, feisty and adventurous little girl :

Time is Precious

I love that @tisasilver said “Once you spend a dollar, you have a chance to make it back. Once you spend a minute, it is gone forever” in her #BOSSchat with @TheBOSSNetwork. Because it’s so true. Time is oh-so important. I am learning the value of it and how to cherish it. One of my time recently adapted saving strategies is to cut TV out of my daily diet. It is true that when stressed, sometimes mindless entertainment can help but I’ve found that I get so much more done when the TV is off. Even when I’m working with the TV just on as background noise, it’s such a distraction and I can’t focus and really dedicate myself to the assignment like I need to. How many times do you sit there and say “there’s nothing on” but continue to sit there for several more hours, watching nothing worth watching.

I started off by rewarding myself with one hour of my favorite show “Girlfriends” (which has been replaced by “The Game” since “Girlfriends” isn’t on anymore) and then got started with my work. Now, when I have an assignment or need to get stuff done I just turn it off altogether (I’ve seen all the episodes already anyway). And I just get so much more and better work done.

Now don't get me wrong, I haven’t cut TV completely out of my life. But I do leave it off during productive daytime hours and then reward myself for a productive day with some mind release in the later part of the day (because there are certainly times when I have to force myself to turn the computer off as well to not slip into workaholicism). A great way to watch shows and save some of your precious time is to DVR it or watch it online. Then you have the opportunity to skip commercials and watch at your own convenience. OR you can get the DVD box set which is my plan for Girlfriends.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I. LOVE. New York.

As if I didn't already love New York. One of the main reasons I love my city is because it is filled with new reasons for me to discover. I have to admit that I am a little sad about summer coming to an end. On the other hand, I'm embracing the fact that as an adult I have the freedom to extend the summer fun. In true NY summer fashion, I discovered a new rooftop lounge. Rare View is a newly opened bar and lounge on the rooftop of the Fashion 26 Hotel, which has also opened this year. Although I didn't stay long, I enjoyed what I saw, from the amazing view of the Empire State Building to the cute and chic seating and overall atmosphere. I will definitely be back.

My other discovery from this weekend was the mouth-watering goodness I found at brgr. I've driven by before and have taken a mental note to check it out. I figure if your name is "burger" you have to know what you're doing when it comes to burgers, right? If New York Magazine voted them as the Best Milkshake, then I need to see what all the hype is all about. I promise my mouth watered at the thought of a great burger and shake. Because I happened to be on that block this weekend, I could not let the opportunity to pass me by. After a lunch of: The Down on the Farm Burger, which I added a fried a egg to (after seeing a bacon egg and cheeseburger on TV I've been obsessed), sweet potato fries and a black and white shake shot, which was my favorite part, I can now say that brgr has one more fan. The burger was juicy and satisfying, the fries were crisp (just how I like them) and not too thin, and the shake shot was the perfect little treat to top it all off. Something about the shake shot evoked the childhood memory of having Mister Softee on a summer day...mmmmm. What's cool is that they also have turkey burgers and a garden burger for everyone to enjoy the mouth-watering goodness.

I'd also like to share that this love for New York has been magnified by the love of friendship and sisterhood that has been rekindled this weekend. Since September 1st, Girlfriendology has been honoring the Month of Friendship with daily suggestions on ways to reconnect with girlfriends. I must admit that it got me thinking about how much more girl time I could use. I also felt a bit guilty because I could certainly work on being better friend and not becoming so focused on work and business that my friendships suffer. However, this weekend I had the honor of meeting an amazing group of women through She Creates Change, many of whom I already consider new friends. With this new love of friendship, I am even more excited about my friend's visit to NY. Not only will we have the chance to reconnect as friends, but I know that we'll also discover some more reasons why I. LOVE. New York!

P.S. The Bloggers Soiree is ONE WEEK AWAY! Another reason to love New York!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bloggers Unite!

With even more sponsors, the Bloggers Soiree is getting better and BETTER! I CANNOT wait!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fun Find: Nice Ride Minnesota

If it's one thing I've learned about Minnesotans, it's that they cherish the summer and as a whole do what they can to savor every moment of it. Dealing with temperatures that make a New Yorker like me shiver from just the thought, who can blame them? During my first trip to Minneapolis, I took note of how many bikers shared the road with the vehicles. What I observed is that bike riding is more than a recreational activity, it is a means of transportation, and a popular one at that. Did you know that "Minneapolis is ranked 2nd in the nation for the number of people who commute to work by bicycle"? I didn't until I read this.

During this second visit, I discovered something even more exciting. Captivated by the bright green and pretty blue bikes all in row, I stumbled upon Nice Ride Minnesota, a bike sharing system. With 60 locations throughout Minneapolis, Nice Ride MN makes most trips seem like just hop, skip, and a pedal away. For a 24-hour subscription price of $5 (plus trip fees), the bike is yours. If your trip is less than 30 minutes, there is no fee. From my experience of walking from the U (University of Minnesota) to Uptown Minneapolis, it seems that many destinations can be reached in less than 30 minutes by bike. Then you can check out another one to ride back home. Depending on the details of your trip, this option can beat the cost of bus fare, a cab ride or even gas money.

As simple as it may seem, I was so impressed by it because it is such a good idea. Like other bike sharing systems throughout the country, Bike Ride MN is cool in so many positive ways. Not only will it help with traffic but it can have positive effects on physical health and fitness (and they say as much in their Vision).

Because Bike Ride MN has only been on the streets since June, there are still many questions surrounding it. The Bike Ride website provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions. The local Fox 9 News also shared information about the new system:

Whether it be a means of a transportation, exercise, just for fun, or out of curiosity, Nice Ride certainly seems worth a trip.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bloggers Unite!

September 27, 2010

Her Journey, Desiree Frieson and Red Rover Style are collaborating forces to bring an unforgettable event to NYC!

Join us and 300 NYC bloggers on September 27, 2010 at Libation NYC to mix and mingle AND support a great cause. A portion of the event's proceeds will go to Restore NYC, an organization dedicated to providing safe housing for survivors of sex trafficking.

With a special performance by international singer and songwriter Alexis Foxe, "Bloot" goodie bags, giveaways and MORE, this is guaranteed to be an A-MA-ZING event.

Special thanks to the sponsors:

To guarantee your spot, purchase your ticket TODAY: